“There’s a sense of identity, respect, pride, belonging, brotherhood–family even. It’s male camaraderie, a feeling you’re alive. You matter and can have a say in your destiny.” – Cass Pennant, Founding member of ICF

Simon HARSENT  announces GBH, a powerful portrait study that comes face-to-face with Great Britain’s leading football Hooligans.

GBH is a natural progression from Harsent’s previous work The Beautiful Game, a series that captured the subtle physical and emotional power of football stadia over their surrounding environments. In GBH, Harsent moves on from physical to cultural relics of football, exploring a subset of football culture that has remained a shocking fascination for many fans decades later.

The exhibition is an examination of social discontent in Britain as the beautiful game presented an ugly face, and how the decisions of a few men 30 years ago have impacted their lives today.

GBH has been selected as a featured exhibition of Head On Photo Festival, Australia’s largest and most prestigious photographic festival.